Research & Data
Since 1997, CCF has been collecting state and county level data to identify needs and inform policy decisions to support children and families in NYS.
Kids Well Being Indicators
Clearinghouse (KWIC)
An interactive CCF tool that advances the NYS data culture by expanding access to New York State children’s health, education, and well-being data.
The New York State KIDS COUNT® project disseminates county-level data that focuses on child well-being in order to advance the use of children’s health, education and well-being indicators as a tool for policy development, planning and accountability. For state-level data and national comparisons, explore the Annie E. Casey Data Center and the 2024 KIDS COUNT® Data Book.
Early Childhood
Data Dashboard
The PDGB5 grant in 2023 provided support for the development of an early childhood data dashboard. Focused on describing the complex early childhood mixed-delivery system in NYS, this tool provides county and regional data including the number of children under 6, demographics, number of licensed childcare slots, and funded enrollment for prekindergarten and Head Start. The dashboard also includes early childhood workforce data, QUALITYstarsNY ratings, and market rate by county cluster.
Recent Work & Highlights
Providing data and information to assist policymakers in planning and supporting children, youth and families in New York.

KIDS COUNT® Data Book 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic wrought serious academic damage as it closed schools and separated students from their physical learning environment. Unprecedented drops in fourth grade reading

New York State Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five Renewal Application
The vision of the New York State Preschool Development Birth through Five Renewal project is that all young children are healthy, learning, and thriving in

County pages and interactive map AVAILABLE! The data and resource information contained in this NY KIDS COUNT® Multimedia Data Book 2020 are a snapshot of the available

American Rescue Plan Act Child Care Stabilization
As the American Rescue Plan Act Child Care Stabilization funds for child care providers start to roll out, these funds can be used to support mental health

NYSB5 Annual Program Performance Report 2021
The NYSB5 Annual Program Performance Report (APPR) for Year 2 has been submitted! Read the report here and be sure to check out the appendices that include colorful images

P-3 Virtual Summer Institute 2022
In partnership with The Office of Early Learning, the 2022 P3 Summer Institute’s registration is now open! The theme for this year’s P-3 Virtual Summer