Preschool Development Birth through Five Initiative

The PDGB5 grant aims to strengthen existing early care and learning programs across NYS to provide children access to high-quality programming from birth through kindergarten.  

PDGB5 Overview

PDGB5 grants are funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Child Care.  

The current PDGB5 grant (9/2024 – 9/2027) is a multi-year award of $11 million per year. The project seeks to strengthen New York State’s early childhood system with a focus on equity to support easy access to comprehensive high quality services and programs for children and families.  For an in-depth review of the activities included in this most recent round of funding, you can read CCF’s application here.



Maximize family participation and engagement in the state's mixed delivery system. Including expanding meaningful participation and leadership from parents, providers, community leaders, and faith based partners.


Increase equity and access to early care and learning programs for children and families. This includes access for infants and toddlers, inclusion of children with disabilities or at risk of disabilities and children who are under-served.


Increase early care and learning program alignment and quality improvements where all types of programs across the state, such as Head Start, child care centers, family child care, and public schools, work closely with other programs and supportive services. These include early intervention and home visiting


Create seamless learning experiences from birth to elementary school; ensuring providers and families have the knowledge and resources to meet young children's needs.


Support the early care and learning workforce. This includes initiatives to increase pay and benefits, professional development, support for gaining credentials and degrees, and support for staff health and well-being, including mental health.


Prevent and reduce suspensions, expulsions, and other exclusionary practices for young children, especially in demographic groups that have been identified as being at higher risk for these practices.


Promote the mental health and well-being of children, families, and providers and address trauma and adverse childhood experiences.

PDGB5 Renewal Projects (2024)

PDGB5 Renewal Grant (2024) projects and activities are grounded in the spirit of collaboration and fall into 6 focus areas of change. Click on the tabs below to learn more about these current initiatives.  

Needs Assessment

Strategically update the PDGB5 Needs Assessment that delivers a nuanced understanding of the diversity of child and parent/caregiver needs, workforce well-being, and systems’ supply and demand.  

Strategic Plan

Update the current PDGB5 Strategic Plan rooted in stronger collaboration and connection to state agency partners, community based organizations, early care and learning providers and parent/caregivers.

Maximize Family Participation

Support the Workforce

Support Quality Improvements

Increase Statewide Pyramid Model Implementation

PDGB5 Projects 2018-2024

CCF was first awarded PDGB5 funds in 2018 and since has been awarded subsequent funding in 2019, 2023 and 2024.

Read more below on the projects that have been funded over the past 6 years. 

Kindergarten Transition Practices

Kindergarten Transition ideas from community partners and school districts.  Watch our 5 minute trailer to learn more or click below to watch the film.   

Kindergarten Transition
2024 Summit Materials

Agenda and plenary slide deck including Dan Wuori
Breakout sessions 1-5 slide decks

Videos to Support Kindergarten Transition

B5 Contact

Patricia Persell, Early Childhood Policy Director,
NYS Head Start Collaboration Director
Council on Children and Families
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